I don't mind getting up first thing in the morning and getting my day started. It actually feels good to get moving and get things started so that you have more time at the end of the day for yourself. However, I draw the line at 630am with the phone ringing and waking me out of a dead sleep. We recently, were broken into at our cabin and stuff was stolen, so we decided best to install a security system. Well, hubby was on days off and at the cabin, I had to work, and early in the morning the phone rings to tell me that an intrusion alert was set off at the place by the monitoring service. My dear hubby, didn't disarm it from the stay setting when he went to bed the night before. He woke up, left to go sit on the deck and have a smoke. :/ So, his cell phone indoors and not turned on, I get the call! Ugh.... disregard the alarm I say.... as I'm watching hubby on the cameras enjoying the fresh outdoors, in his robe, having a coffee and a smoke. No worries I tell them... it's just my husband! Ugh....
That same afternoon I had a friend come over to learn how to art journal and we made an afternoon of it. As I was walking her thru some techniques I worked on my own page using the same techniques and my choice of stamps reflected how I felt that morning. LOL I can laugh now...
The page was very simple to do. I used 3 different spray colors. Gesso the page first!!! A pink, a brown and a Dylusions white so that the colors would marble. I used some Archival brown thru a stencil to get some texture. Some washi tape with clocks on it for the time factor. The Tim Holtz coffee stamps and a Dylusions sentiment which perfectly described my mood that morning. LOL I added some Wendy Vecchi white embossing paste thru a stencil for some more texture working around the images and words. I added some Ferro in white for the whipped cream, some stickles for the glitter over top, and some white shimmer pen inside the cup to lighten it from the background. I used some charcoal pencil to shade around the cup and the words. I wanted to frame the page a bit so I smudged some pink, white, and brown gelatos randomly around the edges.
I had fun making this to lighten the mood of the morning. :) I think she had fun making her page as well and I look forward to her coming over again and to play some more and I can show her more techniques.
Since then I was lucky enough to acquire some rolling carts like the Raskogs from Ikea and took a day to get my room somewhat organized and usable again. I am in love with these carts and managed to load up 3 of them completely full without a sliver of space left to share with anything new. LOL Yup, I have an addiction. :) Could be worse right? I work hard so I should be able to play hard. :) Here is my slightly more organized room now with the rolling trays.
I hope you enjoyed my blog entry today and got a good chuckle out of my morning of sleeplessness. When angry or upset, put it to paper and it'll instantly make you feel better. :) Total therapy. LOL
Leave me some lovin and share some of your not so great mornings. ;) Thanks for stopping in. :)